To book

Select your dates of stay and the number of travelers, we will offer you the room best suited to your stay and at the best price. Le Mas des Comtes de Provence is a hotel with 4-star services, where everything has been thought of so that you can fully recharge your batteries, relax and rest. Let yourself be seduced by the authenticity of our hotel in Tarascon!

The Mas des Comtes de Provence
Contact us

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To find out more about our 4-star services, the availability of our rooms or suites and the various activities in the surrounding area, we invite you to contact us by email, telephone or via the form contact details. 

In our charming hotel in Tarascon, everything has been thought of for the comfort of your getaway. Relax fully in Provence.

See you soon at Mas des Comtes de Provence!

The Mas des Comtes de Provence
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How to come ?

Prepare and organize your trip

On site, you will have access to free, closed and secure parking

A storage space for bicycles is also at your disposal.

By train

Nîmes train station: 25 minutes

Avignon train station: 30 minutes

Aix-en-Provence train station: 1 hour

Montpellier train station: 1 hour

Marseille train station: 1 hour and 15 minutes

By plane

Montpellier Airport: 1 hour

Marseille Airport: 1 hour